

NSR National Costumes Show in Yinchuan

2016-09-01 23:55 网络 admin

The Eyes on Yinchuan RUYI • New Silk Road Model Look World Final 2016 is sponsored by SHANDONG RUYI GROUP, hosted by New Silk Road Fashion Organization and Yinchuan Broadcasting Television, and undertaken by Hainan New Silk Road Culture Communication Co. Ltd., Hainan Yiniu Culture and Media Co. Ltd. and Beijing Beiwan New Vision Media Co. Ltd. Fifty three models from all over the world took the China Fashion Express to Yinchuan. At 20:00 of August 29, models did their first fashion show in the contest in front of the Haowang Palace in the rain. It was a visual feast for photographers and guests present there.


On September 1, models came to the China Muslim International Trade City, an AAAA level trade city, for a national costume show. The China Muslim International Trade Cityis an urban complex with 5-star hotels, residences, business centers and conference centers. Art communication forums, national culture shows are held there on a regular basis. Fifty three models from all over the world will no doubt add more bright color to this area.


Yinchuan is located in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, therefore the Hui costume is an inseparable part in this how. In Hui culture, men wear white round hats and women wear clor scarves. Old people prefer colors such as black, blue and grey while middle-aged and young people like green, blue and red.

As the most gorgeous and unique costume, the Miao costume is definitely attractive. Sliver jewelry and Miao embroidery are the representatives of Miao costume. In this show, contestants number 31 and 41 wore different Miao costumes to show their charm.


People living in northern China may be more familiar with the North Korean costume of contestant number 13. And the Mongolian costume of contestant number 44 is also quite distinctive. Mongolian people are great horse riders, therefore the costume is also catered for horse riding.

Of course, the costumes of foreign models are equally charming. The model from Estonia chose a costume that fits her body perfectly. The design is based on a bird species of her country and the colors of her national flag were also added to the costume.


The Namibian model had a beautiful basket in her hand, which is used to store food in her country. The red color of her dress is a symbol of family tradition and power.

The model from Moldova brought a very precious costume. It was a hand-made costume with a 100-year historyfrom a collector.


The costume of the Australian model shows the unique Australian culture. The costume has special elements such as kangaroo and ironbark. The model also holds a boomerang in her hand, which is used for hunting.

Through this costume show, we can have a direct understanding of different cultures. And this also embraces the cultural diversity and internationalization of the Eyes on Yinchuan RUYI • New Silk Road Model Look World Final 2016.


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