

Who Wins the Championship in the Event?

2016-09-03 22:21 网络 TF006

This Eyes on Yinchuan RUYI • New Silk Road Model Look World Final 2016 is organized by New Silk Road Fashion Organization and Yinchuan Broadcasting Television, undertaken by Hainan New Silk Road Culture Communication Co. Ltd., Hainan Yiniu Culture and Media Co. Ltd. and Beijing Beiwan New Vision Media Co. Ltd. co-organizers include Modern Youth Magazine, Ningxia Hengcheng Ancient Ferry Culture and Media Development Co. Ltd. and Shaanxi Zhongsheng Culture and Media Co. Ltd. The final will be held in Yellow River Tourist Resort on September 3.


Fifty three contestants from 26 countries all over the world participate in this event, including 26 foreign models and 27 Chinese models. The awards include Champion, Runner-up, Second Runner-up and five individual awards. The Champion isYIN JUAN from GUANG DONG, the Runner-up is Schroeder Conshida Angelica from Namibia and the Second Runner-up is HOU JING YAO from FU XIN Together with other 7 contestants, they are the Top 10 of this event. The Best Camera Performance Award, Best Activity Award, Best Media Popularity Award, Best Figure Award and Best Expression Award respectively go to Schroeder Conshida Angelica, QIN ZI HAN,MA RUI, YIN JUAN, and Balogun Stephanie.

It is the first time that the New Silk Road Model Contest is held in Yinchuan. This combination of fashion elements and city promotion will change the stereotype about North-west China. It not only brings the fashion trend to western China, but also answers the call of the Belt and Road strategy.


Luxurious Setting

The first dresses used in the final is cashmere dresses sponsored by Shandong Ruyi Group. Cashmere is a precious material known as “soft gold”. The delicately designed dresses forms a distinctive contradiction with the landscape of desert in North-west China. they also add much Chinese elegance to foreign models.

In addition, swimming suits used in the event are decorated with dragons and custom design. High-end dress brand NE•TIGER provided hand-made dress with traditional Chinese embroidery in such color as black, red, blue, green and yellow. In a word, the dresses are a combination of traditional and fashion elements.

The site of the final is by the Yellow River, the Mother River of Chinese Civilization. Chief Stage Designer, Mr. Li Guo added quite many innovative elements in the catwalk design. First, he combined the catwalk with the ancient wall for the first time. Second, he used the barbican to lengthen and deepen the catwalk, creating an intense feeling of history. Third, he displayed the city wall and gate tower through delicate lighting, highlighting the grandeur of Yinchuan.


Judging and Media Participation

Judges selected the best model through three rounds of review, namely, measurement, interview and catwalk show. What’s more there is an award named Best Media Popularity Award determined through voting by renowned mass media.

Award List:


Champion:YIN JUAN


Runner-up:Schroeder Conshida Angelica


Second Runner-up:HOU JING YAO

Top 10 (Seven models) :Chiruta Raluca、PAN JIA QI、BAI SHAN、QIN ZI HAN、MA RUI、Kaxuxwena Meriam、Albina Muratova

Best Camera Performance Award:Schroeder Conshida Angelica

Best Activity Award:QIN ZI HAN

Best Media Popularity Award:MA RUI

Best Figure Award:YIN JUAN

Best Expression Award:Balogun Stephanie



Apart from beautiful models, many companies and people are making contributions to the event on their own posts.

Li Guo (Chief Stage Designer): Simple Stage Design

Li Guo is a famous stage designer in China. Even the stage design in this event is pretty simple, but it contains many delicate designs. Li Guo says “Stage designs of world-class fashion shows are usually simple, because such simplicity can better reflect the beauty of models.”

The site of the final is in a barbican where used to be a square. The designer thinks that water can make the stage more energetic and that is why he set a pool beside the main stage.

Sidelight 2: What do models eat?

Many people are wondering what model eat to keep such good figure. The schedule is quite tight and models have to walk on high-heels for 10 to 20 thousand steps. When they have meals, salad and fruits are must. If they want to try some dishes, they will ask about the ingredients to make sure that it does not contain too much fat. Sometimes, they have some lame chop and beef. At lunch, some of them eat rice or porridge. Cakes and snacks are provided, but the models seldom eat them. Few of them have drinks, they have coffee instead.


来源:北京晚报 北晚新视觉网  文:和璐璐


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