

New Silk Road Model Final Event Before Model Fitting

2016-09-01 11:13 网络 admin

At the end of August, the Yinchuan sky is especially blue and clear. On August 30, fifty three models in the Eyes on Yinchuan RUYI•New Silk Road Model Look World Final 2016 took location shootings at landmarks such as Sino-Arab Square, Lanshan Park, Binhe Yellow River Bridge and Yellow River Goddess.


In addition to location shootings, models also participated in the dressing fitting and rehearsal of the final event.


As the most important part before the final event, fitting dress is not simple. Directors need to make proper arrangements concerning the styles and brands of the dresses. Directors need to distribute dresses in accordance with the figure of the models. Experienced models will interpret add their own understanding into the performance according to dress style, director’s intension and the surrounding situation.


Procedures such as fitting dresses, changing dresses, changing shoes and taking photos require a well-organized backstage group.


Eyes on Yinchuan RUYI•New Silk Road Model Look World Final 2016 Fifty models from all over the world will participate in the event with four dresses for each of them. With the final event approaching, they need to get used to the dresses as soon as possible to get good scores in the event.


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