

Ancient Relic + Beautiful Models

2016-08-30 22:59 网络 TF006

Yesterday afternoon, 52 models from all over the world took the China Fashion Express to Yinchuanto participate in the Eyes on Yinchuan RUYI•New Silk Road Model Look World Final 2016. The journey along the Silk Road gave the contestants a new experience. Participants brought with them costumes that can best represent their motherland. In the evening, a contestants meeting was held in Yinchuan.


In the morning of August 30, models took a location shooting named Beautiful Ningxia, Charming Yinchuan. Contestants showed their beauty in bikini and chi-pao and photos were taken in Lanshan Park, Binhe Yellow River Bridge and other scenic spots.




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Binhe Yellow River Bridge is a landmark of Yinchuan. It is the biggest single project in the new Silk Road of Ningxia, connecting key areas in Yinchuan. From the bridge, you can see the beautiful desert and sun setting over the Yellow River. Models showed their beautiful figure in bikini in the twilight.


On August 31, models will take another location shooting and have the first rehearsal for the final event.


来源:北京晚报 北晚新视觉网  和璐璐 文 /胡睿智 摄


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